Cookie Policy

By "data processing," we mean any operation or set of operations, carried out even with the aid of computer and telematic tools aimed at the collection, organization, storage, processing, modification, selection, extraction, comparison, use, interconnection, blocking, communication, dissemination, deletion, and destruction of said data. According to current regulations, such processing will be based on principles of correctness, legality, and transparency and will protect your privacy and your rights.

Pursuant to current regulations, we provide you with the following information:
1. The data you provide will be processed to enable the proper use of our services and/or the enjoyment of the site
2. Data processing will be carried out electronically at the servers of Contentking srl. Contentking srl uses companies, entities, or consortia to which it turns for the execution of operations necessary to fulfill your instructions and provide the requested services. These companies are direct collaborators of Contentking srl and act as "Data Processors" or operate as distinct "Controllers" of the relevant processing, in complete autonomy. These include companies that provide payment services, collection and treasury services, financial companies, credit institutions, companies performing maintenance for various purposes, mass processing of payments, checks, and other securities; transmission, enveloping, transportation, and sorting of communications; contract census; registration, management, and archiving of documentation relating to relationships with customers, accounting review, and certification of balance sheets. An updated list of these subjects is available at the Data Controller and is constantly updated.

Also in this context, we will take care to process your data according to principles of legality and fairness and, above all, within the strict limits of necessity. In communication activities, the same security parameters required by law are observed, and the processing is carried out solely for the purposes for which the data were collected. In any case, your personal data will not be disseminated.

3. Providing data is necessary and mandatory to enable the proper use of the site, and any refusal to provide such data may result in the inability to use the services provided by Contentking srl through the site.

4. Data will not be disclosed to other parties unless required by law, but they may, in case of explicit optional approval, be used by Contentking srl to send informational and/or advertising material on its behalf or on behalf of partner companies.

5. The data controller is: Contentking srl Via Jacopo dal Verme, 7, 20159 Milano MI. The representative of the controller in the territory of the State is: Contentking srl Via Jacopo dal Verme, 7, 20159 Milano MI.

6. Contentking srl declares that it has adopted the minimum security measures required by Articles 33 – 36 of Legislative Decree 196/2003 and that it carries out data processing in the manner and within the limits prescribed by law.

7. At any time, you may exercise your rights against the data controller by contacting, in the manner prescribed by law, preferably by registered letter with return receipt – to: Contentking srl Via Jacopo dal Verme, 7, 20159 Milano MI, or by writing to:

Cookies, Web Beacons, detection, and tracking technologies General guidelines.
When you browse our sites or our applications, you will be asked to authorize us to use cookies or tracking systems to improve the service or serve advertisements. On this page, we provide the necessary information to understand why cookies are used, to ensure their conscious use. The cookies and similar technologies used are intended to allow better use of our service or to offer you the most targeted advertisements possible. The cookies used are mainly of two types:
Session: These are deactivated after you close your browser or leave our site.
Persistent: These are cookies that remain stored in your browser for a certain period. Both types can be blocked or deleted by going to your browser's settings section. On all used browsers, it is possible to navigate temporarily preventing the browser from recording cookies generated by the sites by enabling incognito browsing. Instructions for doing so are available on the settings page of: Google Chrome and Google Chrome Mobile, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, Apple Safari Mobile. It is also possible to completely disable cookies or delete them through the same settings on the same browsers.

Third-party companies that may use cookies on our site are agencies that help us improve the service, perhaps by offering items that may interest you based on those you have already viewed. Similarly, there are third-party cookies that allow us to show services or items viewed on other sites. In this case, it is a targeted advertisement message for you.
In no case is a cookie associated with your sensitive data through technologies.
A cookie is nothing more than a small text file that uniquely identifies a PC, tablet, or smartphone, so it can be recognized later.

Below we provide a list of third parties with which Contentking srl collaborates and that may use cookies within

For completeness of information, we provide a list of terms that will help you make better use of our information:
- **Cookie:** A small text file consisting of letters and numbers inserted into the browser's memory when visiting websites to later recognize that device.
- **First-Party Cookie:** Cookies issued by the site you are currently browsing.
- **Third-Party Cookie:** Cookies issued by companies collaborating with the site you are browsing to offer or serve targeted advertisements or to detect actions taken by a user on a site or a banner advertisement.
- **Tracking:** Programming codes present on a website to allow the detection of a browser passing through certain pages of the site.

The use and exposure to tracking systems or cookies is a free choice of the user. At any time, it is possible to deny the saving of cookies and to delete them from the browser, but by doing so, some functions of the site may not be usable.

We remind you that cookies allow for the recognition of a user through unique identification codes, but no sensitive data of yours is saved, except for those explicitly entered in our contact and ad insertion forms, and in any case, only after your explicit consent.
None of the platforms that may use third-party cookies on our site will collect your personal data. Please report immediately any situations different from what has just been described.

You can check which cookies you currently have in your browser and possibly delete them through the following service: